Monday, September 21, 2009

Back to School!

We are finally back to school and loving it! Nathan started first and headed off to his first day of Joy School on September 1st. He has two girls - Brooke and Ashley (the one with pigtails who, incidentally is the girl he is going to marry! They already have it arraigned!) and two boys - Easton and Everret in his class this year. I don't think he knows what to do with boys around! Anyway, he loves it and asks everyday if it's Joy School today! Maddie and Jeni started a week and a half later on the 10th. Maddie is in fourth grade this year and Jeni is in first grade. Jeni was very excited to go full day and to be able to take a lunch. I think that's a big event in a child's world.

It is nice to be back into a routine again but I had the strangest thing happen the other day. The three older kids were off at school and then Grace unexpectedly went down for an early nap. I had almost 45 minutes all to myself! I had no idea what to even do with it other than sit still and listen to the quiet!


West Family said...

It is always a bitter sweet time of year when the kids go back to school. I find myself always wishing I could have the radio on in the car instead of kids movies or music, but when I am by myself in the car I find I never turn on the music, I prefer the silence. Cute kids!

John said...

Every time back to school season hits I think of those Staples commercials with the parents gleefully riding shopping carts down the isle while "It's the most wonderful time of the year" plays in the background and the kids are staring at the back to school supplies with long faces. I'm glad your kids like going back to school and I'm glad you got some time to yourself :-)