Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Third times the charm...I hope

I had an orthodontist appointment this morning and for the third time I set up an appointment to get my braces off. The first appointment was way back in February but due to a broken bracket it got put off until April. When April rolled around we decided to go for another six months to see if I could get a permanent retainer on my top teeth. Dr. Luddington wasn't sure it would work but we decided it would be worth the extra time (no extra charge thanks to a contract I signed before I even started this odyssey). It seems that the extra effort was worth it because there is now room for the retainer, yeah!! So my fingers are crossed that nothing else will happen and come December 16th I will have a brand new smile to show the world!


Katie said...

Yay Carolyn! Good luck! I hope you are able to flaunt that pretty new smile before the end of the year!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Carolyn! Hope it finally happens. You took before pictures right?

Keri McLauchlin said...

Yay, we love new smiles! Show off them pearly-whites!